Friday, April 27, 2012

Why won't it work??

When I loaded jumpy horse, this showed up! I am not happy cuz now I can't play!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jumpy Horse for Nook

Ya know what would be cool? The Jumpy Horse app for kindle fires and nook colors. I have a nook color myself, and I would totally buy it! It would look so awesome on the large screen! Even if it were 5 bucks, I'd still buy it!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Another awesome thing about Jumpy Horse can make your horses!
I used this Breyer horse (Blue is his name) for an example. Their legs are even in the same position!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thank you Jumpy Horse Facebook!

Just wanted to say thanks to JH Facebook for mentioning me! It means a whole lot to me! So if you have a Facebook, and you're not following them, you're missing out!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I have no followers

This makes me sad. I have no followers whatsoever. Get me more followers!! Please?

Something I have never noticed before....

Hey! Sorry I haven't been on in like FOREVER! I've just been so busy with school and spring break and stuff. But enough with the excuses. So I was playing lets jump and I noticed a small something in the lower left hand corner. So I watched it and when the count got to four, the cowboy fell off. But I also noticed that when I play with a horse like Great, that the count goes to six instead of four. You may have noticed this before, and if this is so, good for you. If you haven't, good for you too.