Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pictures of all the Horses!


Big Mac/ Appaloosa
Wild Angel
Big Happy

Big Pinto

Friday, June 1, 2012

New Update!!

YAY!! jumpy horse finally had a new update! I still haven't had time to look at all the new games yet, but heres what i've observed: Cross Country is sort of the same as jumping but with hills. Herd Leader is really really fun! it still has a lot of the same concepts as Run with the Herd, but being the leader of a herd makes things more intresting. As for the wild horse catching game,  I think there should be random horses to catch and add to your herd instead of horses already in your heard.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My First show!!

This show was between me and my sister. We had two rounds. She was on Blacksmith, who was sired by Great. I was on Joey, who was made from Wild Angel. The scores were:
Round. Me. Her.
Round 1 | 42. | 45
Round 2. | 45. | 41


I think it would be really cool if there was a barn instead of the menu. It would also be awesome if you could groom your horses and muck out your stall. Another thing, why is the barn pink? You should be able to change the color of the barn because I don't personally like the color pink.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jumpy Horse Photos

Hey! i'm bored, so here are some random jumpy horse pictures!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jumpy Horse Videos

Found these on YouTube;
They are both kinda out-of-date because of the recent updates

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Solved My Problems!

Last post I had a little problem with the screen turning dark during every activity, so I just reset it and it worked again! So if you ever have a problem, before you complain, try to reset the app first. You can find the reset button under settings.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Why won't it work??

When I loaded jumpy horse, this showed up! I am not happy cuz now I can't play!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jumpy Horse for Nook

Ya know what would be cool? The Jumpy Horse app for kindle fires and nook colors. I have a nook color myself, and I would totally buy it! It would look so awesome on the large screen! Even if it were 5 bucks, I'd still buy it!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Another awesome thing about Jumpy Horse can make your horses!
I used this Breyer horse (Blue is his name) for an example. Their legs are even in the same position!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thank you Jumpy Horse Facebook!

Just wanted to say thanks to JH Facebook for mentioning me! It means a whole lot to me! So if you have a Facebook, and you're not following them, you're missing out!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I have no followers

This makes me sad. I have no followers whatsoever. Get me more followers!! Please?

Something I have never noticed before....

Hey! Sorry I haven't been on in like FOREVER! I've just been so busy with school and spring break and stuff. But enough with the excuses. So I was playing lets jump and I noticed a small something in the lower left hand corner. So I watched it and when the count got to four, the cowboy fell off. But I also noticed that when I play with a horse like Great, that the count goes to six instead of four. You may have noticed this before, and if this is so, good for you. If you haven't, good for you too.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jumpy Horse Games

The original game that was put on jumpy horse was simply the one "let's Jump" game and a selection of three horses (Jumpy, Elsa, and Blondy). Since then they have added paint, let's pasture, run with the foal, catch me, jumping, 60 seconds, and breeding. Paint was a great edition to the game because, personally, I love being able to customize things. Let's Pasture is fun and challenging, but the title is a misnomer because a pasture is a noun, not a verb. The correct term would be graze, or something like that. Run with the foal seems a bit confusing to me, and I sorta wish you could choose your foal. Catch me is fun, but I would like to see how it would be to be the cowboy, trying to catch the horse. Jumping is one of my favorite games because I used to be a jumper and it reminds me of my riding days. 60 seconds is fun, but I'm not the best at it. Breeding is one of the best yet, and the foals are adorable!! I wish there was a way the foals could grow up. Oh great! I forgot to mention run with the herd. Possibly one of the best games on Jumpy Horse.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Check out the Old Jumpy Horse

๐ŸŽThis is what the old jumpy horse looked like: it was pretty simple, with only 3 different horses, and a selection of different backgrounds that didn't move. Anyway, I like the modern version of jumpy horse!๐ŸŽ


Hi!!! This blog is for any jumpy horse fan. If you dont have it already on your iThingy, go to iTunes and download it right now!! it seriously costs less than a candy bar! Jumpy horse is an awesome game and I highly reccomend it. It could use some additional features though.... But i'll talk about that later. So go. Now. Tell all your animal loving friends to get online and check out this blog. Seriously.